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Homes for You

Take the stress out of finding your dream home.

What We Do

RealEstate gives home buyers, sellers and renters all the tools and valuable information they need to be successful in the home search process. We also provides insights about the house, and the real estate process while connecting people with the right agents. You can find a large, variety of homes on RealEstate from which you can select the one that steals your heart. Also you can search for rentals as well. All you have to do is to enter the location you would prefer to buy or rent and we bring you the best matching requests. We provide the every minor details about a listing including the location both as address and geographically on map. On the detail page you could find the various images of the listing as well as every important details that will help you to derive the primary judgement about the listing. Also you can contact the agents/owners from the same page. if you would like to enquire more about a listing, you can do it on A SINGLE click of a button. Also you can save the listings for a later, which can be viewed from your account home.

Easy Analysis

We provide various calculators for making easy estimations on your budget, affordability & long term analysis. The calculators include Affordability calculator that estimates the amount of home you can afford using your monthly income as a revenue source. Mortgage calculator helps you in estimating the amount you have to keep away on a monthly basis to payback the loan amount you intend to take. Rent Vs Buy Calculator helps you to make a wise decision by estimating the duration on which buying is cheaper than renting. Please note that these calculations are based on general logic only. Extra costs and other various taxes may change the actual amounts depending on each banks and country.

Growing Market for Agents

Just register with us for an Agent account and take your business to a new level with wide range of potential Leads. You can List your clients properties as your own for finding more interested buyers. Also if a user wishes to associate an agent for selling his property he can do it on a single click. Agents will also have the provision to accept or reject the request from users. Making your profile in such a potential market increases your business to a large area.

Premium Agents

Premium Agents are privileged agent accounts on RealEstate. Premium agents has the provision to search for the leads from their account, so that you can always find the potential clients inside your working circle. Also agents with premium status are displayed with priority when ever agents are listed. You can upgrade your agent account status to premium, from your account.

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