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How to Sell

We will help you to sell your property effortless.

Easy steps for Selling

Now Selling is easy as a button click. Just register with us using your email. Thats it, you are in. If you are an agent also just check in the box, while registering. Then go to your account, post a listing you want to sell by including the details. Also you can associate any agents if you would like any help in selling the listing. We will provide you the list of best agents that are working on your listing location based on their history of sold records, rating and reviews. You can send a request to these agents about your listing. Once the Agent approves your request he will be handling your case. Also you can declare an open house by giving the date and time which will attract more users. Also if you are intending on renting out, then you can give out the lease period, deposit etc. Also you can upload a rental form that the users need to fill out. If you request an Agents support, then everything will be handled by him including client contacts. The terms and conditions of an Agent will be discussed outside the system.

Featured Listing

Want to get more attention from potential buyers?. On RealEstate, we give an opportunity to highlight your listing with our featured listing status. Lists with featured status will be displayed to a user in more than one sections of the script. On the home page the featured listings available on the users desired location will be displayed & in details page also, location based listings with featured status will be displayed. You can upgrade your property to featured status from your account.

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