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How It Works

This is how you buy/sell/rent your properties on RealEstate


If you are looking for a dream home on your favourite location, then you have come to the right place. All you have to do is enter your desired location and click on search. We will display you the properties available on the location along with their location. Click on the property that catches your attention. You will get all the details including the facilities, details about the location, type of home, images of home etc. You can go through the all the details & if you are interested then you can request for more details from the same page. Just provide your contact details. We will not keep any of your details in our system. A mail will be sent to the owner/agent that handles the property and in short time you will be contacted by them. if multiple agents are available for a property you can choose from them based on their performance displayed over there. if you have selected more than one agents then your request mail will be sent to each of them.


if you are a seller then, please follow the steps on listing your property.

1 Register

Please provide your Email, First Name, Last Name, Password and if you are an Agent then select the box that says are you an agent/broker to 'yes'. After registration either you will be automatically logged into the site or wait for admin approval.

2Provide Details

On your user account, will be redirected to the edit profile section where you have to provide the required details. if you fail to provide any required details on the profile, you will not be able to add a listing. If you are agent then in order to activate the agent account you must provide all the details listed over there. Once you complete your Agent profile only, others will be able to contact you.

3Add/Assign Property

You can add a listing from your account for posting it. Please make sure you provide all the details related to the listing including images for better clarity. After completing the listing you can activate your listing from the manage listing section. You can also make your listing featured from there. If you need agents to be associated with your listing then you can select from the available agents on your location and send request.

4 Wait for Response

Thats it. Once your listing is active then there is nothing more to do. just wait for the enquires from potential clients. if you have associated any agents, then he will contact you in short time.

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